Dr. Robert G. Jaeger

Bobjaeger1Bob Jaeger at work/play at Chateau Crapaud

Formerly of University of Louisiana at Lafayette,
Department of Biology

December 16, 1937- June 9, 2022

Red back



Dr. Jaeger spent over forty years working on territoriality and interspecific competition in the red-backed salamanders, Plethodon cinereus.

1960, University of Maryland at College Park, B.S.
1963, University of California at Berkeley, M.A.
1969, University of Maryland at College Park, Ph.D.

Professional Experience:
1974-1980, Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Albany
1981-1982, Assistant professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
1982-1986, Associate Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
1986-2006, Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
1991-2006, Chance Professor of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2015- 2022, Adjunct Research Faculty, Utica College

Behavioral Ecology of the Eastern Red-Backed Salamander: 50 Years of Research.
Oxford University Press 2016.

1970-2021, 240 publications between himself and his students

Google Scholar deleted his site so here is a Research Gate one. Probably because he never used email…

Caitlin R. Gabor and Carl D. Anthony. 2020. “Robert Gordon Jaeger,” Copeia 108(1), 184-187. https://doi.org/10.1643/CT2020021

Select Publications

  1. Kohn N & Jaeger RG 2009. Male salamanders remember individuals based on chemical or visual cues. BEHAVIOUR 146:1485-1498.
  2. Prosen ED, Jaeger RG, Hucko JA. 2006. Sexual coercion in the salamander Plethodon cinereus: is it merely a result of familiarity? HERPETOLOGICA 62: 10-18.
  3. Joseph LL, Cope CT, Kohn NR, Jaeger RG. 2005. The influence of familiarity on socially monogamous behavior of red-backed salamanders. HERPETOLOGICA 61: 343-348.
  4. Prosen ED, Jaeger RG, Lee DR. 2004. Sexual coercion in a territorial salamander: females punish socially polygynous male partners. ANIM. BEHAV. 67: 85-92.
  5. Page RB, Jaeger RG. 2004. Multimodal signals, imperfect information, and identification of sex in red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 56: 132-139.
  6. Jaeger RG, Gillette JR, Cooper RC. 2002. Sexual coercion in a territorial salamander: males punish socially polyandrous female partners. ANIM. BEHAV. 63: 871-877.
  7. Gillette JR, Jaeger RG, Peterson MG. 2000. Social monogamy in a territorial salamander. ANIM. BEHAV. 59: 1241-1250.
  8. Griffis MR, Jaeger RG. 1998. Competition leads to an extinction-prone species of salamander: Interspecific territoriality in a metapopulation. ECOLOGY 79: 2494-2502
  9. Jaeger RG.1981. Dear enemy recognition and the costs of aggression between salamanders. Am Nat 117:962-974

  10. Jaeger RG. 1970. Potential extinction through competition between two species of terrestrial salamanders. Evolution 24:632-642

1998 Elected fellow of the Animal Behavior Society
Advised 47 students for M.S. and Ph.D.